Monday, December 04, 2006

How to Get Some Quick Holiday Freelance Assignments

FACT: Many companies are scurrying to find help during the holiday season because their regulars are on vacation, celebrating the holidays, unavailable, etc.

So, take this time to actively call on clients for work. By this I mean pick up the phone! It's easier to market this way this time of year because people are generally in a cheerful mood.

Getting clients is the hard part. Once you get them, service them well and they may never want to go back to their "regular freelancer." Or, at least, you'll be on their radar for overflow projects when the need arises.

Would you make one phone call for $12,000? Cold calling, while it may be scary at first, is much easier this time of year and it could garner you a client for life. Just think, if you gained one new client who wound up giving you $12,000 worth of business in a year's time, wouldn't you be glad that's a call you mustered your nerve to make?

Happy calling!

Tomorrow: Registration opens for the e-course, Launch a Profitable Freelance Writing Career in 30 Days or Less -- Guaranteed! Full details will be posted.

Y. Black, Publisher
P.S.: See the job listings in last Friday's post. Please forward your resume if you'reinterested, or send it to qualified candidates you know of who may be interested.
**************************** E-Course: Launch a Profitable Freelance Writing Career in 30 Days or Less -- Guaranteed! Coming in January.

At the end of this one week, five-step course, you will have a concrete business and marketing plan for your freelance enterprise. Even if you've been a freelancer for years, this course will help you "laser focus" your efforts and exponentially increase your income. Via this course, secure your first client within 30 days -- or your money back!

Make Money with Our Affiliate Program! Before year's end our e-books will be availabe via ClickBank. Stay tuned for details.Learn everything you need to know to work from home as a Freelance Writer, Editor, Proofreader, etc. How? Order an E-book. Receive 7 EBooks in All! Delivered right to your inbox immediately upon payment!
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Anonymous said...

I've been wreading your blog and stuff on AC for about 2 months now- great advice and resources by the way.

Question: How can I cold-call to ad agencies or marketing firms about me being a CFW? Why would they need me if much of what I do they can do in-house? Thanks

Yuwanda Black said...

Dear P Blanton:

Glad you enjoy my content and hope you're picking up some marketing ideas.

As for cold-calling potential clients, although many firms have in-house capability, most keep freelance info on file for those times when their department is too busy, someone quits in the middle of a project, someone is on maternity leave, a special project comes up that the in-house staff is not qualified to handle, etc.

The bottom line: Whether a company has in-house capabilities or not, most use freelancers to some degree.

Good luck prospecting -- it's really not as hard as you think!

Y. Black, Publisher