Thursday, June 22, 2006

A New Freelance Success Story Was Published to Today!

Cancer Survivor's Tale of Freelance Success as a Writer/Photographer
by Nancy Burchianti

I decided to try freelance writing when I was diagnosed with cancer and was too weak to work full time in an office. It was the best decision of my life because I really wasn't confident that I could make a living freelancing, and I don't believe, but for the circumstances that I would have tried.


Coming in August (right before the start of the busy fall season)! E-Course: 5-Step Jumpstart Your Freelance Career Marketing Workshop. At the end of this one week, five-step course, you will have a concrete business and marketing plan for your freelance business. Even if you've been a freelancer for years, this course will help you "laser focus" your efforts and exponentially increase your income. Stay tuned for full details in July.

I also am an award-winning photographer and since most magazines want to include photos, this was a big plus in the magazine industry.

I began with a horse magazine, because I have owned, trained and bred horses for over 40 years. Write what you know. We've all heard that bit of wisdom.

To read the entire story, click here.
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Medical Editing/Copyediting: An Overview (Reg. $4.95);
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