Wednesday, February 01, 2006

How to Effectively Target Neighborhood Businesses w/Your Editorial Services

Small businesess owners are results-oriented. Show them and they will buy! How do you do that?

Easy. Do the work first, then present it to them. "But," you may be thinking, "I don't do spec work."

I say, "Marketing is a numbers game." How much time do you spend targeting clients with nothing to show but your handy little brochure, portfolio or flyer? How many clients do you garner? Show them their business in black and white and you'll more than likely double or triple your response rate.

For example, take a neighborhood restaurant that has a website. What if the one they have is lousy? Redesign/rewrite one page and present it to them. Show them their version and your much improved one. You're more than twice as likely to land the client if you SHOW them, rather just just tell/explain to them what you can do for them.

Clients outside of the editorial realm usually don't grasp how much value you can add to their business by improving their copy, website, logo, etc. If you want to add to your client list, make a part of your marketing "show and tell."

CAUTION: You shouldn't do this for every client. But, by making "show and tell" marketing a percentage of your business, you can exponentially increase your client list -- which is what marketing is all about.
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